Actions from East Area Panel meeting 14.02.23


Deadline for staff to respond: 5pm on 26th April  


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed, outstanding or ongoing?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?









(Continued from previous

action logs) Justine Harris to meet with Janet

Gearing regarding the

points raised about

rubbish and issues with

fencing in Langley


Justine Harris

A verbal update will be given at Area Panel.





Geof Gage to confirm with Lee Catts whether there are any remaining aerials that have not been connected in Craven Vale

Geof Gage

As the installation was in 2010, unfortunately, neither the installers, nor BHCC hold records to determine exactly which flats at Craven Vale have been connected and had SkyQ sockets installed. However, we are able to provide an overview of the upgrades within the blocks.


Queensway has had a full Sky Q upgrade, all flats are connected to the Sky Q multi-switches at the headend.


Craven Road, Parham Close and Southwater Close had a 50% sky Q upgrade completed and Hadlow Close had a 25% sky Q upgrade completed. All flats are connected to the existing IRS system. Residents that would like Sky Q, will have to be moved over to the Sky Q multi-switch.





Justine Harris to contact Cllr Simson regarding concerns raised about parking on Sandhurst Avenue.

Justine Harris

Justine Harris contacted Cllr Williams and a visit to Sandhurst Avenue took place with Cllr Simson, Justine Harris and Benjamin Tedder on 28th Feb. The question was about unused Housing bays could be used by the shops. This has been considered but is not possible as these are available to rent.  Any maintenance and repairs for them has to be funded by the HRA.




Justine Harris to contact Cllr Williams regarding why bids had been rejected, citing £35,000 that had been allocated for a playpark and a mural.

Justine Harris

This concerned the top playground at Whitehawk and mural. 


The request for funding was rejected by the Environmental Improvement Board, as it was agreed this would come from the planned works budget and the underspend.  The change is to the funding stream.


Justine updated Cllr Williams on 17th Feb



17th Feb


Martin Reid, Sam Warren & Rosemary Johnson to meet outside the meeting to discuss leaseholders being charged for EDB projects.

Martin Reid/Sam Warren

A verbal update will be given at Area Panel.